- The BNTU Library is open to students, vocational students and BNTU personnel six days a week. Library working hours are 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Friday (without a break), and 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturdays.
- Resources available in the library can be used in the open-access reading room or borrowed for use outside, following the established rules.
- The library offers access to material resources, including computers with internet access, printers, copiers, scanners and the international electronic library network.
- To use the library's resources, individuals must register with the BNTU library. Registration requires an identity card, which will be used to verify the student, vocational student or master's student in the enrollment database.
- All users must familiarize themselves with the library rules and confirm their understanding with a signature.
- Upon registration, a reader's card will be issued.
- If a user changes their name, phone number, address, or identity card, they must promptly inform a library staff member.
Cheking Out and Returning Books/Materials:
- Books, audio-visual materials and electronic media stored in the library (referred to as "materials") that exist in only one copy cannot be checked out and must be used within the library's reading room.
- Materials with multiple copies available in the library may be checked out by readers.
- Readers may copy necessary sections of a book and/or an entire book, if it does not damage the book or violate copyright laws.
- Textbooks, magazines and other materials designated by course instructors as essential for lectures or practical lessons can be checked out for a maximum of 24 hours.
- Books and materials are typically issued for a one-week period.
- Readers are required to return borrowed books/materials by the due date (one week from checkout).
- If needed, readers may renew borrowed books/materials for an additional week, provided no other requests have been made for them.
- If a reader is unable to return a book/material on time, they must inform the library and explain the delay.
- The library reserves the right to ensure the return of books/materials, including seeking assistance from the BNTU administration or imposing fines (in cases of damage or loss).
- The librarian may request the early return of a borrowed book/material. In such cases, readers must return the item within 24 hours of receiving notification. This request must be well-justified and communicated to readers in advance.
Loss of Borrowed Book/Material:
- If a borrowed book/material is lost, the reader must either replace it with a new copy or pay a fine equivalent to its value.
- The library staff has the authority to deny borrowing privileges to individuals who have violated library rules, such as missing return deadlines, damaging, destroying, or losing books or materials.
Guidelines for Handling Books/Materials:
- Do not fold or crease the pages of books.
- Do not attempt to repair damaged pages or covers yourself; contact the librarian for assistance.
- Making notes, comments, underlines, or any other markings on book pages or printed materials is prohibited.
- Do not use items that could damage the book, such as makeshift bookmarks.
- Do not attempt to open any unopened pages in a book; instead, ask a library staff member for help.
- Upon receiving a book or material, inspect it immediately for any damage. If not reported, you may be held responsible for any damage discovered later.
- If a book or material is mishandled or damaged (e.g., torn pages), the reader will be required to pay for its replacement and will lose access to the BNTU library.
- Do not leave electronic disks in computers or make any markings on them.
- When receiving an electronic disk, inspect it immediately. Returned disks will also be checked, and any damage will result in a fine equal to the value of the content on the disk.
- Do not bring any materials into the library that could potentially harm the library’s collection.
Reader Responsibilities:
- Maintain silence, public order, and adhere to appropriate behavior and hygiene standards.
- Inspect books/materials upon receipt and report any defects to the library staff.
- Handle the library's materials and equipment with care.
Library Reading Room Behavior Rules:
- Order must be maintained at all times in the library.
- After using a book/material, do not return it to the shelf yourself; instead, give it to a library staff member.
- For any issues or concerns, seek assistance from a library employee.
- Only bottled water is permitted in the library.
Prohibited Activities in the Library:
- Entering the library or removing books/materials without permission from library staff.
- Smoking, making noise, talking, or engaging in excessive movement within the reading room.
- Using mobile phones.
- Hiding, stealing, damaging, or mishandling books/materials. In such cases, the reader will incur a fine, the amount of which will be set by the BNTU administration based on the extent of the damage. The individual will also lose their library privileges.
Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the cancellation of library membership.