On November 1, 2024, in observance of International Black Sea Action Day, BNTU students and vocational students took part in a beach cleaning initiative along the coast.
On November 1, 2024, in observance of International Black Sea Action Day, BNTU students and vocational students took part in a beach cleaning initiative along the coast.
On October 30, 2024, BNTU held an information session for students focused on the university’s internationalization efforts and exchange programs.
From October 24 to 30, the representatives of BNTU’ Library held an information session.
On October 28, 2024, representatives from BNTU met with the Skills Agency to discuss the internationalization of vocational education.
2024-2025 სასწავლო წლის შემოდგომის მიღების ბნსუ-ს პროფესიულ საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამებზე ჩასარიცხად რეიტინგული სიები ცნობილია.
ბნსუ-ში საზღვაო ინჟინერიაში აკადემიური თანამდებობის დასაკავებლად 2024 წლის 12 აგვისტოს გამოცხადებული კონკურსის წინასწარი შედეგები ცნობილია:
On October 17, 2024, BNTU personnel and students attended the international webinar on Seafarers' Mental Health and Well-being: Translating Research into Practice.
Nia Mskhaladze and Teimuraz Ghirdaladze, the undergraduate students in BNTU's Maritime Navigation bachelor program, will attend the Academia Navala "Mircea cel Batran" in Romania.
On October 18, 2024, vocational students from BNTU participated in the science festival, "Young Scientists for a Better Future of the Planet."
From October 9-12, 2024, the Head of the International Relations Service at BNTU, Associate Professor George Gabedava, along with the Rector's Assistant, Levan Gvarishvili and Rector's Office Specialist, Emzar Gvarishvil...